Just a quick post today to talk about how to pay for school. One of the first places to start is before you even get to college.
If the focus of your degree is less important than the timing, consider a degree that allows you to earn credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Advanced Placement (AP). An Associate of science and bachelor of science degrees are often the most welcoming when it comes to using APs, CLEPs and Subject Specific tests that provide college credit.
Some degrees are more flexible than others. For example, business administration degrees are often the fastest to get and provide the most flexibility. Additionally, a degree in business administration can be as narrow or as broadly focused as you like, and nearly every college offers business degree programs.
Use these tests to get college credit and shorten the time and expense of college. Of course, if you still have loans you can always consolidate them when you enter repayment. But why pay loans if you don't have to. Get college credit before you start. More on the student loan consolidation blog coming soon...