Asbestos Cancer Law: Facts and Figures
Patients with a recent mesothelioma diagnosis may be curious about the ins and outs of asbestos cancer law. Here's a list of interesting facts and figures to get you started:
* Asbestos is a mineral that has been used since the times of the ancient Romans for fireproofing and insulation purposes. Asbestos exposure was common among a number of industries during the last century, including general contracting, electrical engineering, bricklaying, insulation, carpentry, and other trades.
* Asbestos causes mesothelioma when small fibers are inhaled. These fibers adhere to the lungs and cause chemical changes that affect the mesothelium, the cells which line the heart, lung, and/or abdominal cavity and help lubricate organs.
* Asbestos cancer has a long incubation period. This means that some cases of asbestos cancer from exposure during the 1940s and 1950s are only just now being discovered. The incubation time of asbestos depends on the patient and circumstances and can often lead to misdiagnosis.
* At least 75 percent of all cases of mesothelioma are thought to come from industrial or occupational asbestos exposure.
* The mortality rate of asbestos cancer varies depending on type, staging and other circumstances. Some patients are given mere months to live, while others survive with the help of mesothelioma treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery.
* Asbestos cancer can only be definitively diagnosed through biopsy.
* Most products produced today do not contain asbestos due to increased regulation. However, building materials produced prior to the 1970s are likely to contain asbestos. Common culprits include tiles, adhesives, insulations, shingles and roofing, soundproofing, and fireproof materials.
* Asbestos cannot be detected by the naked eye; hence, labeling and information are vital when dealing with asbestos-containing products.
* Asbestos is highly regulated in the United States. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has issued specific guidelines for working with asbestos, removing asbestos, and controlling its hazards.
* At least 43,000 Americans have died due to asbestos cancer since 1979.
* California, Florida, New York, Texas, and Pennsylvania are the states with the highest rates of asbestos cancer.
* Asbestos mortality figures are thought to be significantly underestimated due to misdiagnosis of asbestos cancer and failure to link industrial exposure to mesothelioma later in life.
* As many as eight million Americans have been exposed to asbestos.
* Mesothelioma patients live for an average of 18 months after diagnosis.
* Even with strict government standards, it is estimated that up to 5,000 products on the market contain asbestos today.
* Asbestos cancer victims have protection under the law. If you're looking for an attorney with experience in asbestos cancer law, look no further: LegalView.com offers free consultations with mesothelioma attorneys who can help evaluate your case for a potential lawsuit. To get started, just click on our free case evaluation form.
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