Friday, October 17, 2008

A Look At Some Treatment Options For Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is malignant mesothelioma and this means that cells found in the lining of various organs like heart, lungs and abdomen, grow abnormally retaining fluid. This disease has been around for a long time and it was first discovered in 1887 and then ignored. It was until 1970s that companies and governments started to recognize that it is a serious disease. This is mainly because it is caused by a mineral that can manufacture up to 3,000 products. The mineral occurs naturally on the earth and it is usually mined and is commonly called asbestos. This is a unique substance for apart from causing a deadly disease, it defies fire and cannot be burnt. Mesothelioma cancer help affects the lining referred to as the mesothelium and exposure to asbestos could have happened during childhood. It takes over 30 years for the symptoms to start showing.

The disease has not been very common although the number of new cases has increased by a little percentage. Men will suffer from the disease more often than women and people of all ages can be affected. The people who are at a higher risk of getting the disease work closely with asbestos and they include shipyard workers, asbestos mine workers and so many other workers. They can expose their families with their cloths. Safety measures have now be put in place to protect industry workers and protective cloths and equipment have been introduced. Workers can also take a shower and change cloths before they leave their work premises. Symptoms of mesothelioma cancer differ with the particular organ the disease affects. Some of the most common symptoms include the following.

You will experience swelling of various organs, pain, weight loss, bowel obstruction, blood clotting, anemia and so many other symptoms. When you suspect you have the illness, do not conclude that it is mesothelioma cancer you have to go through a series of tests first before you conclude whether your illness is malignant or cancerous. You will have x rays performed and even a biopsy and when the doctor finds conclusive evidence of the disease, this is not the end. The symptoms of mesothelioma cancer are so similar to other diseases and it is therefore very difficult to diagnose the disease. You have very many treatment options and they can manage your condition depending on how bad it is. If the doctor recommends a certain treatment, like surgery, you can consult and make sure that it is the best decision for you available. Radiation and chemotherapy options are also available.

There are other treatment options that have not been concluded and you will find so many resources on this topic. Getting the right knowledge is vital to help you know what to expect if you are affected by the problem. You will be in a position to help others when the opportunity arises. Patients can sue for compensation if they feel that they need justice to be done. Good mesothelioma lawyers are available and it is upon you to find a lawyer who can represent you to win the case.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Understanding Mesothelioma Cancer Disease

What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma cancer help disease is a very rare type on cancer, but it can be very dangerous and has a very deadly effect. This cancer can develop in the mesothelial cells that compose the most outer layers of some internal organs.

What are the types of mesothelioma cancer? The types of mesothelioma can be divided into main three types according to the place of the affected internal organs; the most common type of this cancer is when the tumors are developed in the pleura "the outer lining of lungs". A less common type is the pericardial mesothelioma when the tumors are developed in the pericardium or the sac of the heart and its arteries.

The third mesothelioma type is the peritoneal mesothelioma where the tumors are developed in the peritoneum or the outer lining that surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. These were the main three types, there is another type that called benign mesothelioma and in this case the tumors that developed are nonmalignant.

What is the main cause of mesothelioma? The main cause of mesothelioma is some natural minerals called "Asbestos". These Asbestos can be inhaled and cause inflammation of the pleural leading to malignant tumors after 15 to 25 years. The symptoms of mesothelioma take very long time to appear, as I mentioned, they may take up to 25 years to appear that make the diagnosis process is very hard.

What are the main treatment options for mesothelioma cancer? Actually, there are many treatment options for mesothelioma cancer, but the main options to treat mesothelioma are the surgery option, the chemotherapy option and the radiotherapy option. If you were dealing with Asbestos before, please consult your doctor today.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment And Prevention

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer. It caused by previous exposure to asbestos. An exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. Simian virus 40 (SV40) may act as a cofactor in the development of mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. The two major types of malignant mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma, which concerns the mesothelium membrane that surrounds the lungs, and peritoneal mesothelioma which concerns the mesothelium layer that covers the organs in the abdominal cavity.

The people most at risk from being carriers of this cancer are those have worked with asbestos over the past thirty to fifty years. Because of this, the disease is most common in men between the ages of sixty and seventy as this is the group that commonly worked with asbestos during those years. Because of the lack of protection and regulations in those days, these workers were constantly exposed to the dust and fibres from the asbestos, which caused the cells of the mesothelium to become abnormal. Many building materials used in both public and domestic premises prior to the banning of asbestos may contain asbestos. Those performing renovation works or diy activities may expose themselves to asbestos dust.

Mesothelium helps protect the organs by producing a special lubricating fluid that allows organs to move around. Mesothelioma is an extremely malignant and incurable cancer that infects the membrane that surrounds most of the internal organs. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Affecting the mesothelial cells that make up the mesothelium – the outer lining that protects the body’s major organs such as the heart, stomach and lungs. Pleural mesothelioma represents 75% of mesothelioma cases - but it is far from the only type of this deadly cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines, and is just as dangerous and deadly. Treatment of MM using conventional therapies has not proved successful and patients have a median survival time of 6 - 12 months after presentation. The clinical behaviour of the malignancy is affected by several factors including the continuous mesothelial surface of the pleural cavity

Mesothelioma Cancer Help Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Health-care workers who specialize in part control are employing state-of-the art techniques to successfully fight pain.

2. During the initial stages of mesothelioma, pain can be relieved with over-the-counter analgesics, such as aspirin, Tylenol or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

3. Drug therapy is the primary method for treating mesothelioma pain.

4. Non-Opoids are pain-relieving medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and NSAIDs, such as ibuprofin, which can be purchases over-the-counter and taken orally.

5. Opoids are the strongest medicines available to treat pain. Opoids, such as codeine, morphine, oxcodone, fentany, and hydromorphone, are very effective in relieving mesothelioma pain.

6. Adjuvant analgesics are medicines intended for purposes other than pain relief. A number of these are used to alleviate pain associated with mesothelioma, such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and steroids.

7. Emotional Support to Help Relieve Pain.As with all aspects of mesothelioma, emotional support from family or professional counseling can play a key role in pain management

8. For patients with localized disease, and who can tolerate a radical surgery, radiation is often given post-operatively as a consolidative treatment.

9. Chrysotile has been used more frequently, hence many mesotheliomas are caused by chrysotile.

10. Removal is taking place in schools and other public buildings throughout the U.S. The hope is that these measures will greatly reduce the occurrence of this cancer.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnoses Increase Rapidly In Australia

Scientists in Australia speculate that the number of mesothelioma cases reported there will rise rapidly over the next 15 years, reaching a disturbing peak of 900 deaths from mesothelioma cancer help a year.

The Australian workforce once relied heavily on jobs from asbestos-related processing and construction companies and now is finding that they are becoming victims of their one-time employment.

Mesothelioma Death Rates

A professor for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine used World Health Organization (WHO) figures and found that the UK and Australia both currently lead in the number of mesothelioma-related deaths worldwide.

Professor Julian Peto, head of the Cancer Research UK Epidemiology and Genetics Group, speculated that the death rate from asbestos-related diseases will only increase, especially among men who are currently 40 years of age, and who will become nearly 100 times more likely to die by the time they reach 80 years of age.

Peto also speculated that since the 1980s, there have been approximately 10,000 cases of mesothelioma reported in Australia alone. He also concluded that within the next 40 years, more than 25,000 Australians could die from asbestosis.

Asbestos and Mesothelioma Diagnosis

At its peak, in the 1970s, nearly 10,000 tonnes (equivalent to more than 22 million pounds) of brown asbestos was being imported into Australia for use in the construction industry, largely affecting construction workers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians and shipyard workers.

According to Peto, who presented his findings at a public lecture at the University of Melbourne in April 2008, nearly 500 Australian men and 100 Australian women are diagnosed each year with asbestos-related conditions including mesothelioma cancer.

What is Asbestos and How Does it Cause Mesothelioma?

Asbestos is derived from a mineral known as vermiculite. There are several types of asbestos found throughout the world, and the use of asbestos was wide spread during the 20th century worldwide, as it was a heat-resistant product that was inexpensively produced, offering the construction industry a cheaply made and easily mass produced product.

In Australia, not only was asbestos mined, but it was imported as well. For years, individuals were exposed to asbestos in many different ways and often, many of them developed mesothelioma cancer.

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer caused usually by the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust. It is often misdiagnosed and even when symptoms are present, it can be difficult to diagnose.

Additionally, it is considered a silent killer, as individuals suffering from mesothelioma cancer help are usually unaware of their condition until the cancer is too far along to treat. Mesothelioma can be a dormant condition, not revealing symptoms for decades in an individual.

Types of Asbestos

There are six types of asbestos commonly found including, chrysotile (white), amosite (brown), crocidolite (blue), tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite. Among these six various types of asbestos the white, brown and blue were the most commonly used and are often associated with the construction industry.

Chrysotile, which was banned in the 1930s in Australia, was considered a more flexible form of asbestos and its use was implemented into a range of products including cement roofing sheets for buildings, brake linings, pipe insulation, floor tiles, and even for fire protection within fuses. In the United States, chrysotile is the most common type of asbestos found and a large contributor for mesothelioma there.

Both amosite and crocidolite asbestos were banned in Australia in the 1980s, but prior to that they were widely used in Australia. Crocidolite is also predominately found in Australia and Africa.

The health affects of white asbestos was discovered early on, but the use of both brown and blue asbestos continued, and mining of the product soared until its medical affects became clear and regulations began to be implemented after the 1980s.

Australian Mesothelioma Treatment Facilities Increase

Due to the high rate of asbestosis cases reported in Australia, with no relief in site, many medical facilities and mesothelioma research centers are setting up headquarters there.

For example, the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia and the Queensland Asbestos Related Disease Support Society are two groups working to offer mesothelioma victims support and information regarding their condition as well as funding for the research of mesothelioma treatments.

While mesothelioma treatment research continues there are no known cures for asbestos-related illnesses. Individuals are advised to speak with an experienced mesothelioma law firm to learn more about developing mesothelioma litigation.

Because of the preventable nature of mesothelioma and the high costs associated with managing the disease, developing a mesothelioma lawsuit may provide monetary compensation as a potential outcome for victims seeking relief.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

The Mesothelioma Cancer Industry

Mesothelioma Cancer, or Asbestos Cancer, is a rare form of cancer which occurs in the mesothelium – The thin protective membranes covering our internal organs, especially those found in the chest and abdomen areas. As the name ‘Asbestos Cancer’ implies, Mesothelioma Cancer help is in most cases linked to some previous exposure to Asbestos, especially inhalation of Asbestos dust or vapors, or a history of handling or working with Asbestos.

In many cases, Mesothelioma Cancer cells form around the lungs – this fact makes some people confuse Mesothelioma Cancer with “plain old” Lung Cancer, but the difference between the two is huge. Actually, in relation to this article’s subject, the difference is even bigger. Let me explain; “plain old” Lung Cancer is usually caused by inhalation of high amounts of pollutant materials – usually this exposure is caused by smoking, which, putting the tobacco industry conspiracy aside for the moment, is a person’s own informed decision and he is willingly putting himself at risk.

In the case of Mesothelioma Cancer, on the other hand, the person who is at risk is not informed at all. Most Mesothelioma Cancer cases were caused by someone else’s malpractice. Schools that still have asbestos in their classrooms are knowingly putting our children at risk, construction companies deliberately hide information from their employees, and for this reason, Mesothelioma Cancer cases are becoming more and more common.

Lives that have been taken away can never be returned. But those who are still fighting this dreadful disease deserve all the help and support from the State and from the people around them. It is shameful that the State doesn’t give these people the help they need – because they are now in a situation were the only way for them to get any kind of assistance is by going to court and trying to prove that someone else is to blame, hoping for recognition and monetary compensation…

Add to this the following facts: First, There are over $600 Million dollars, reserved for Federal Recoveries nationwide in the USA. Second, the average Mesothelioma Cancer related settlement in the U.S. is around $1 million. Cases that reach trial, on average, awards aproximately $6 million. So from a lawyer’s point of view, Mesothelioma Cancer Help is ‘Big Business’. Mesothelioma Cancer is the most expensive keyword on the internet today, lawfirms are willing to pay sometimes $30 per-click on their web advertisements.

This has spanned a whole industry of Mesothelioma-Cancer-Web-Publishing.

Webmasters are building webpages on Mesothelioma Cancer just so they can serve ads and get a chunk of that 30-dollars-per-click pie. People have forgot that its human lives they are dealing with.

Too bad that everyone is so concerned about making money today. But hey, this greedy state-of-affairs is exactly what caused this Mesothelioma Cancer epidemic in the first place. If companies during the ’60 were only a little bit more responsible, they wouldn’t have played with the public like they did.

The Mesothelioma patient doesn’t have the time for all of these games. We should help these people however we can, because it might be us tomorrow.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Overview Of Mesothelioma Cancers

Mesothelioma cancers help are the cancers that spread in the mesothelium tissues. Mesothelium in general is the name of tissue that forms lining of different body organs such as heart, lungs, abdomen and reproductive organs. The lining around abdominal organs is known as peritoneal membrane. Lining around lungs is called pleural membrane while the lining around heart is called pericardium.

These linings perform two functions. They protect the internal organs by producing a lubricating fluid and to allow the smooth movement of the internal organs. Mesothelioma cancers are the cancers affecting these membranes. The names of the cancers depend on the tissue or linings they affect. Peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the names of cancers of linings of abdomen, lungs and heart, respectively. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common of all mesothelioma cancers help and is found in 70 % of the mesothelioma patients. Peritoneal mesothelioma constitutes 10% to 20% of the mesothelioma patients while third type pericardial mesothelioma, is rare.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancers

Symptoms of mesothelioma cancers are same as of other common diseases. It makes diagnosis mesothelioma cancers a difficult task. Pain and swelling in abdomen, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite and nausea are some symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, chest pains, lower back pains and difficulty in swallowing.


History of mesothelioma cancers goes back to as far back as 1900s. It took about 60 years to gather sufficient information about these mesothelioma cancers. By the end of sixth decade of last century, experts could conclude that exposure to asbestos particles is the reason behind the disease. J. C. Wagner was first researcher to report 32 cases of mesothelioma cancers and confirmed its association with asbestos exposure.

One alarming fact about the mesothelioma cancers is its extended latency period. These cancers may remain asymptomatic in the body for even up to 50 years. Chances of survival for mesothelioma patients are rare and the average survival period after diagnosis is not more than 12-24 months. Surgery if diagnosed early, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are some common treatments for all types of mesothelioma cancers. People suffering from mesothelioma cancers can file lawsuits to recover damages for medical expenses and other damages. They can file the lawsuits against the persons and companies responsible for causing asbestos exposure

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